Valentino Rossi couldn't hide his dissatisfaction at concluding the second Sepang MotoGP test in eleventh place, almost two-seconds from the top.
After feeling 'quite confident' following Tuesday's opening day, when he was ninth (on hard tyres) and one-second from the front, Rossi was then forced to miss the whole second day due to fever.
The seven time MotoGP world champion returned today eager to try and make up for lost time - and rode for 59 laps in the very tiring Malaysian heat. But there was to be small reward.
Rossi struggled with cornering and lost a further 0.8sec relative to fastest man Casey Stoner. There are now just two more days of difficult, at Qatar, before his first race as a Ducati rider.
“The first day was not so bad, because I was previously on the lap time of the first test [earlier this month] and we were one-second from the top,” said Rossi.
“We were quite certain for day two because we had a lot of things to try, like a dissimilar setting for the rear, some swingarm link, different suspension.
“I was quite hopeful to improve our lap time, then unluckily yesterday I could not ride so we lost one day and that made things more difficult.
“Anyway today I felt okay. I made nearly 60 laps and worked a lot on the bike, but unluckily we didn't fix our problem.
“We are not fast enough in the corners. We have a problem for rotating the bike, so I always have to slow down too much to make the first-class line. I cannot ride the Desmosedici in the right way.
The Ducati Team rider was pleased with day one at the MotoGP Test in Qatar, despite a minor fall on his GP11. Team-mate Nicky Hayden was also in a optimistic mood after Sunday's session.
With the opening round of the MotoGP World Championship just around the corner, the Ducati MotoGP Team made steady development during the first half of a two-night pre-season Test at Qatar’s Losail International Circuit, where temperatures were around 23°C and track circumstances decent. Valentino Rossi and Nicky Hayden both completed the evening firmly inside the top ten, and they look onward to taking further steps on Monday.
Valentino Rossi, 8th, 1'57.038:
“It wasn’t terrible for a first day. I was able to ride the bike better, and I enjoyed myself. Although I was just eighth, my times aren’t too far from the top: seven tenths is still a big difference, but anyway it’s progress, bearing in mind that I did my best time with a very used tyre. We worked well on the settings, even if in a couple parts of the circuit I’m still not fast sufficient, and we’ll have to try some more solutions tomorrow. As for the shoulder, I’m happy because I have a little more strength, and that enables me to ride better. Today I also had my first crash on a Ducati, which I naturally did deliberately because after a while, you have to do a little fall… All joking aside, I entered too quickly and lost the front: I was able to pick it up and avoid deafening while I was on the track, but I dropped it in the gravel – no big deal though.”
Nicky Hayden, 9th, 1'57.137:
“Right out of the gate, it wasn’t too bad, and then we were up against a wall for a while. The team made one little change with ride height and I was able to get a polite lap time and get reliable. In parts of the track I felt pretty good, but there are spots where the navigation still needs to improve. If we can do better in those areas, we should be able to drop the lap time. I feel a little bit closer than Malaysia, but we certainly need to go earlier tomorrow.”
A incredible day of racing was witnessed at the Jerez Circuit on Sunday, where just two weeks after the MotoGP race the first surrounding of the 2011 CEV Buckler was attended by 15,500 spectators.
The day’s events got off to a spectacular start in the morning with a exciting Moto2 race, in which Jordi Torres won following an intense duel with his team-mate Carmelo Morales. The pair repeatedly swapped positions at the front of the race, and on the final lap Torres launched what was to be the deciding attack – one which Morales waited until the last turn to respond to but, due to a yellow flag following an accident, was unable to execute. The battle for third position was just as absorbing, with up to five riders fighting for the final spot on the podium. It was lastly taken by Iván Moreno, ahead of the experienced Japanese rider Tomoyoshi Koyama – making his Moto2 debut – American rider and Red Bull Rookies Cup Champion Jake Gagne, and Román Ramos.
Setiap karyawan pada saat tertentu perlu menyatakan gagasan maupun keluh kesah yang dihadapi di tempat kerjanya. Bahkan sebagai karyawan yang tidak berhubungan langsung dengan khalayakpun suatu saat pasti akan diminta oleh atasannya untuk menyatakan ide maupun laporan hasil kerja dalam bentuk presentasi.
Bila kita bicara tentang presentasi pasti banyak sekali komentar yang meluncur dari teman sekerja kita. Ada yang menganggap presentasi sebagai media komunikasi yang efektif, tetapi tidak sedikit pula yang merasa bahwa presentasi merupakan momok yang bikin kita tak tenang dan gelisah berhari-hari. Lalu, bagaimana mempersiapkan dan melakukan presentasi yang efektif?
Menurut Siswanto Sutojo (2003) ada tips agar kita bisa efektif dalam menyampaikan presentasi, yaitu :
1.Mengenali Bentuk dan Tujuan Presentasi.
Bentuk presentasi yang pendek, misalnya : memperkenalkan Manager baru, mengucapkan terima kasih atas kedatangan tamu,dsb. Sedangkan bentuk presentasi yang panjang, misalnya : training, seminar, lokakarya atau pertemuan organisasi.
Tujuan Presentasi ada 3, yaitu Informatif, Persuasif dan Menghibur pendengar.
2.Menguasai topik yang dipresentasikan.
Topik presentasi yang terbaik adalah yang berkaitan dengan : latar belakang pendidikan dan profesi pembicara, minat mayoritas audience dan latar belakang penyelenggaraan presentasi.
3.Yakin bahwa topik presentasi bermanfaat bagi audience.
4.Mengetahui latar belakang audience yang menghadiri presentasi.
Pembicara haruslah mengetahui hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan audience, misalnya : jumlah yang hadir, usia, profesi, pendidikan, pengetahuan dan sikap mereka terhadap topik presentasi.
5.Menguasai bahasa pengantar yang dikuasai audience.
Gunakan bahasa pengantar yang sesuai dengan keadaan audience dan hindarkan kata-kata atau istilah asing yang sulit diterima oleh audience.
6.Jujur, sabar, penuh percaya diri.
Mengutarakan isi presentasi apa adanya, berikan kelebihan dan kelemahan dari gagasan yang dipresentasikan. Sabar menghadapi audience yang bertanya ataupun yang mengkritik topik presentasi. Jujur pada audience bila belum dapat menjawab pertanyaan audience.
7.Menarik perhatian.
Bicaralah secara jelas, tidak terlalu cepat atau lambat. Selipkan humor-humor segar agar audience tidak bosan. Gunakan komunikasi nonverbal atau bahasa tubuh yang sesuai. Selalu memandang audience dan tebarkan pandangan ke semua audience agar mereka merasa mendapat perhatian.
Menggunakan alat bantu white board, papan tulis atau audiovisual yang sesuai dengan topik presentasi, misalnya menggunakan slide projector, film, video, dsb.
8.Menutup presentasi.
Meringkas hal-hal yang penting dalam presentasi, menghimbau audience untuk melakukan sesuatu, mensitir pendapat pakar yang selaras dengan topik presentasi atau bercerita tentang sebuah kisah yang berkaitan dengan presentasi.
Selanjutnya, yang tidak kalah penting adalah mempersiapan presentasi dengan berlatih di depan cermin. Mengatasi demam panggung dengan 2 cara yaitu mengabaikan kegelisahan dengan menguasai materi dan sebelum presentasi tariklah nafas panjang dan hembuskan kembali sebanyak 6 kali. Selamat mencoba !!
(Poendjoel-Iffah ; sumber : “Komunikasi Bisnis Yang Efektif” - Siswanto Sutojo,2003)
Sepatu atau sandal tak hanya berfungsi sebagai pelindung kaki, tapi juga bisa menjadi sarana curahan imajinasi kreatifitas para perancangnya. Meski beberapa di antaranya terkesan mengada-ada dan tak lazim untuk dipakai sehari-hari, tapi cukup menarik untuk dipahami, bahwa imajinasi bisa sedemikian liarnya hingga tercipta hasil karya seperti ini :
Kalau ada merk Ferrari, MD pasti berminat nih.
Sepatu muspro.
Gembel ya gembel, tapi mbok nggak usah pakai sepatu gini.
Sepatu koboi masa kini.
Ini baru namanya sepatu sandal.
Kalau kehabisan lauk, lumayan buat cadangan.
Sandal pendukung Obama.
Mbeeeek ...
Tinggal nunggu bertelornya.
Terinspirasi dari perahu Nabi Nuh kali ya?
Sepatu ramah lingkungan. Kardusnya nggak perlu dibuang.
Sepatu yang cocok untuk pengantin wanita.
Bagi yang sudah bosan bisa jalan normal, pakai ini ya.
Sepatu cewek matre.
Guru Matematika wajib pakai ini.
Sepatu pemain sirkus.
Anda petinju? Nggak lengkap kalau nggak pakai ini.
Wah, sepatunya Gundala nih!
Sepatu gembala kambing.
Bagi Anda yang telaten dan sabar, pakai sepatu ini.
Kalau pakai ini dijamin bingung, mau maju atau mundur.
Sepatu sadis.
Sepatu muspro juga.
Kalau silinder-silinder itu terbuat dari recehan Rp. 1000 an, pasti ini sandal yang mahal.
Ajib ajib, ajib ajib ...
Cocok untuk cowok feminin.
Kalau pakai ini, pulang resepsi langsung nyileeemm ...